Friday, September 10, 2010

Return to Zackenberg

After an extended break in Denmark I am now back in Northeast Greenland. My father went to hospital with a rare disease, cerebral vaskulitis, but he is now in treatment, is back home and is improving quickly.
As we arrived, we had a warm period but it has cooled down considerably and we have had a bit of snow a few times. The station has been frequented by one of the local fox pups. At the den I have observed and photographed probably this pub and one of its siblings and they are getting bigger and their white winter fur is growing fast. One day a dark morphed (blue fox) juvenile showed up by the terrasse. We only got two glimpses of it and it was actually chased a little by one of local white foxes. Otherwise we have had the pleasure of a small herd of musk oxen, including a calf, between the buildings. They tend to like the nutrient enriched grass near the houses... If one keeps close to the houses it is possible to get much closer to them than out in the open field. I have done quite a few close ups. Bird life is getting scarcer with most of the waders now gone. On days with relatively clear weather hundreds of pink footed and barnacle geese are seen migrating.
The glaucous gulls are still hanging around and the snow buntings are seen in massive flocks of up till 50. It is an interesting time to be here and I look forward to experience it all.